Friday, October 28, 2011

Quote of the Week

PPPS (Denver) With this week's unrest in the Occupy Wall Street movement and the obvious comparisons to the Tea Party Movement, we are reminded of advice from that malcontent, Persnickety Pete, found in his popular underground book Manufacturing Anger - A Guide to Political Persuasion (often referred to as the "Tea Party Bible").

If ya want to make people angry, call 'em names.
If ya want to make people really angry, call 'em nasty names.
And, if ya want to start a Movement, call 'em nasty names that ain't even true! 
                                                          Persnickety Pete in Manufacturing Anger, 1st Ed. 1978.

Our analysis indicates that the failure of the mainstream media and prominent leaders in Washington, DC to acknowledge this sage advice, was largely responsible for the explosion of the Tea Party Movement in early 2009.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New Reporter to Cover Occupy Wall Street Protests

PPPS (New York) With the Occupy Wall Street protest movement sweeping the country, potentially changing America and the world, the Pundit Pete Press Service has stepped up to provide our readers with in-depth coverage by hiring a new reporter dedicated exclusively to reporting on the movement.  We are proud to introduce our readers to Protester Pete.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Advice From Practical Pete for the Occupy Movement

PPPS (Denver) We are pleased to introduce our new columnist, Practical Pete, who offers up sage advice and opinions on the news of the day with pithy and practical prose.