Sunday, February 7, 2016

Pundit Pete's Debate Review

ABC News - video clip

PPPS (somewhere in NH)—Following are insightful observations of the GOP Presidential Debate held in New Hampshire (which is near Berniestan /Vermont) from our CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Pundit Pete. 

Thoughts on the GOP Debate in NH —Pundit Pete

Disclaimers: This review only applies to the portions of the debate where I was awake.
    • Overall Winner:   Senator Ted Cruz
    • Overall Losers:   Senator Rubio & Dr. Carson (tie)
    • Lamest Insult:   Donald Trump (before his closing)
    • Best Smackdown:   Gov. Christie on Sen. Rubio
    • Best Hillary Basher:   Carly Fiorina....oops, not there
    • Least Coherent on the Issues:   Donald Trump
    • Best Non-Entrance:   Dr. Carson & Gov. Kasich (tie)
    • Best Questioner:   Mary Katharine Ham
    • Biggest Losers:   David Muir & Martha Raddatz
I  thought Cruz won the debate and continues to be the most level-headed and strongest Conservative on that stage. I could easily picture him as President. 
All of them on that stage (and one who was not) would be infinitely better for America than Hillary, Bernie, Fauxcahontas, or the BFD VP, Joe Biden.
I thought Christie did a good job exposing the politician side of Rubio. It was a bit uncomfortable. Still, Rubio is probably more conservative than Christie. I thought neither came out too well in that exchange.
What a shame ABC left out Carly Fiorina, who would have kept the focus on Hillary and not on damaging the other GOP candidates........come to think of it, given the tone of most of the questions, that is EXACTLY why ABC did not want her on that stage. Could ABC be waging a war on conservative women?
Trump was his usually insulting self, and his lack of substance on issues is starting to look bad. (Do your homework man). "I'll be terrific" and "win, win, win" are not good substitutse for a cogent answer on replacing Obamacare, or any other topic.
Dr. Carson, as much as I admire him and his exemplary character, just doesn't have the political instincts to make his case. (Stoke the fires man.) It didn't help that he got the fewest questions of anyone on that stage. Could ABC be racist? 
The rest don't matter. Thanks for stepping up. Time to leave now.
I'm going with Cruz at this point. You can call that an endorsement.

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