Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Letter From a Passenger on the Ship of State

PPPS (adrift at sea)—Today we received a letter from a new reader, one Passenger Pete, who claims to be aboard the metaphorical Ship of State.  Pete apparently posted his letter on Facebook. He has included one comment to his post, and his response, both of which we found interesting. In the interest of protecting personal identities, we have listed Passenger Pete's comments as PP and his commenting Facebook friend as FF.

PP -   
Fellow Passengers: 

NOW is the time to Right the Ship of State, which is listing so far to the Left as to be in imminent danger of capsizing.

In order to save ourselves, we must immediately throw overboard the largest burden of dead weight, Obamacare.

Then we must seize the rudder of government and set a new course with the Constitution as our compass.

—Passenger Pete, September, 2013

FF - 
The fact that I disagree with you does not make me wrong or you right. It does mean that open debate is the foundation upon which our democracy rests. Open contentious "war in Washington" is not. Peace and Blessings to all.

PP -
I love that you are my friend and that we can debate issues from time to time. I think that open, honest debate is wonderful, and that there should be more of it - for instance in the U.S. Senate right now regarding the merits of Obamacare. 

But I disagree a bit that a contentious "war on Washington" is not necessary. 

You see, because I have been involved in the peaceful protests and lawful campaign activities of the Tea Party movement, and in doing so, have many times disagreed with the policies of the President and the majority party in Washington (and at times the leadership in the minority party as well), I have been labeled a racist, a mobster, an anarchist, a terrorist, a fraud, an extortionist, an extremist, a child hater, a grandmother killer, and a teabagger (to name just a few) by our leaders in Washington, DC. 

Not a single one of those labels is even remotely true of me or anyone else I know of who is involved in the Tea Party movement. 

So forgive me, if at times, I speak using words or metaphors which might elicit an image of a "war on Washington".
Frankly, it feels as though "Washington is at war with the citizens", certainly the ones, like me, who wish to reign in a bit of the overreach of power, out-of-control spending, and assault on freedoms that is the daily regimen in DC.
And if I go too far at times, please understand my frustration, and then let me know gently, as you have. God bless you my friend.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Message on the Bridge - Defund Obamacare

PPPS (Littleton, CO)—We received this picture today from Citizen Pete, spokesman for the Bridge to Nowhere Tea Party. It had been our understanding that the Tea Party movement had completely disappeared after the last election, but apparently there are some who are still active.

Photo credit: Citizen Pete    (click to enlarge)

The bridge message, which reads END THE MADNESS....TELL SENATORS TO DEFUND OBAMACARE, is a little puzzling, as our leaders in Washington, DC have recently declared the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) to be the "law of the land'.

We have assigned our Health Issues Investigator, Proctologist Pete, to probe into the matter.

Check back for updates.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Interview With Debbie Coakley of Revolution Radio at Conservative Gathering

Debbie Coakley of Revolution Radio (PPPS photo)
PPPS (Orlando)—As part of our ongoing investigation of conservative groups, we sent our crack team of reporters to the RightOnline Conference and the Defending the American Dream Summit held simultaneously in Orlando, Florida.

Pigment-Challenged Pete was able to interview one of the black conservatives in attendance, Debbie Coakley, who was there with Revolution Radio. When not on remote,  Revolution Radio is hosted by Vince Coakley at a studio in Charlette, North Carolina. Pete found Debbie to be a most interesting promoter of freedom and a color-blind society, consistent with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Dream.

Here is a link to the Interview with Debbie Coakley on YouTube.

Related Links: 
Revolution Radio with Vince Coakley
Defending the American Dream Summit
Debbie is sporting a fashionable button from American Conservatives of Color