Facebook Fare

PPPS (Littleton)—We have decided to add a this new page to the Pundit Pete blog to showcase the wisdom of some of our loyal readers, such as Citizen Pete (CP), who frequently posts comments on Facebook regarding the trending issues of the day. Any resemblance to actual posts at Pundit Pete is purely coincidental, and not subject to plagiarism laws.—Pundit Pete, January 23. 2018.

Today is a day for courage Mr. Sessions. - March 16, 2018

On Socialism - March 14, 2018

Note: This must have really hit a nerve. In one day, I've had over 450 shares on FB for this.
Update: As of March 18, this has had over 5,000 shares on FB. Go figure.
Final Update: I ended up with over 12,400 shares on FB!

Regarding the recent surprising discovery by Democrats that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is anti-Semitic and quite possibly a racist. - March 12, 2018

Regarding today's fantastic jobs report: March 9, 2018

Regarding the Tuesday, March 6th primary elections in Texas, and precinct caucus' in Colorado, Pundit Pete had these comments:

Starting March out on a musical note.

Regarding the recent indictments of Russians by Special Prosecutor Mueller - Posted on February 17, 2018

Regarding the social engineering included in NBC's Winter Olympic coverage - Posted on February 13, 2018

General observation regarding the mainstream media - February 9, 2018

General Trump's announcement of a military parade in DC - February 9, 2018

Random Thoughts - February 7, 2018

Regarding the House Intelligence Committee Memo - February 3, 2018

Regarding crumbs and other things - Posted Februrary 1, 2018

Some end of January, 2018 thoughts:

Regarding former Secretary of State John Kerry's continued meddling in Middle East diplomacy - Posted on January 26, 2018

Regarding the five-month missing text message gap at the FBI - January 25, 2018.

Posted January 20, 2018 after seeing Michael Dukakis on TV boasting about the Dems prospects in the 2018 elections.

Also posted Janaury 20, 2018 as the great #SchumerShutdown took effect. I kinda had that pegged, didn't I?

After hearing Nancy predict Armageddon when the GOP tax bill was about to pass, then talk about crumbs after the effects started piling up. Posted January 19, 2018

Regarding the fevered reaction to  President Trump's tweets by the press and by others on the Left —CP, posted on FB, January 9, 2018. 

Regarding the upcoming 1st Anniversary of the Women's March on January 20, 2018 —CP posted on FB, January 9, 2018

Other Posts in January, 2018. 

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