Satire from the Pundit Pete Press Service .... News Stories We'd Like to See, But Probably Won't
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Quiz Time
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Rethinking Biden's Speech
PPPS (Littleton)—In our previous blog post, our staff may have come off as enthusiastically endorsing President Biden's healing "Soul of America" speech in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
Upon reflection, and after reading several polls on the public reaction to the speech, along with hundreds of readers' comments, most of which we had to delete, we asked our Religion Editor, Pious Pete, to engage in a bit of soul searching on the topic.
Here was his conclusion in the form of a revised meme.
Please note that PPPS does not engage in religious interpretations of political events and that suggested interpretations from readers, including numerous references to dictators (specifically Musolini and Hitler), tyrants, demons, fascism, terrorism, thugs, hair sniffers, socialists, communists, Stasi, brown shirts, FBI and Satan, played no role in Pious Pete's re-interpretation of the speech. In fact, it is a long-standing PPPS policy to never includes such controversial terms in any of our posts.
Furthermore, Pious Pete would like to reiterate that he has no personal knowledge of the content of "Benito" Biden's soul and would never presume to do so.
However, Pious Pete has previously offered an opinion on the state of political discourse in America which might help in the interpretation of the Bidens speech. Pundit Pete: Pious Pete Opines on State of Political Discourse
Here is the meme from that 2017 blog post.
Friday, September 2, 2022
Summarizing Biden's Healing Address
PPPS (Philadelphia)—President Biden gave a rousing speech yesterday evening in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia. His speech was so comforting and healing of the hurting soul of our nation that we asked our graphic artist, Pixel Pete, to create a moving tribute to our Dear Leader with one simple meme.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Biden's Economic Response to a Recession
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
What's Up With the New Pride Flag?
PPPS (San Francisco)—During June, officially designated as LBGTQ (plus) month, or Pride Month in America, a new flag began to appear across the fruited plain. In addition to new colors added to the traditional rainbow, the flag also included some phrases which were puzzling.
Perhaps some of our readers can explain.
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Significant Thoughts by Kamala
PPPS (Littlteon)—One of the little appreciated attributes of our globe-trotting, problem-solving Vice President is her ability to inject poetry and philosophy into topics of importance to the American people.
We, at the Pundit Pete Press Service certainly appreciate how Vice President Harris has elevated the national much so that we are putting together a recurring series documenting her most elegant ramblings. We call it Significant Thoughts by Kamala.
Here is the first installment.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Stories from CPAC 2022
Stories from @cpac 2022.
Sitting in the Press Area for CPAC, the power went out for two rows of tables and the journalists started to panic.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Commentary on Canada from a Progressive
PPPS (Boulder)—With our neighbor to the north shut down by traitorist trucker terrorists, and the Canadian Prime Minister finally taking appropriate action, we were surprised to see this commentary from our own staff member, Progressive Pete.
Could the winds of change be blowing south?
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Could Pete Be Offered Supreme Court Appointment?
PPPS (Washington, DC)—With the "Unofficial" announcement that Supreme Court Justice Breyer will retire, speculation as to a replacement has been running rampant around this town.
PPPS has an exclusive scoop that our own Pundit Pete is high on the list for the appointment. We have obtained a copy of the application submitted by Pete, which our White House sources tell us has already risen to the top of the stack.
President Joe BidenWhite HouseRe: Upcoming Supreme Court VacancyHey Joe -I have an unblemished court record (if you ignore that incident back in college) and I self-identify as a BLACK FEMALE.Plus, since Covid started, I've gotten a lot of experience working in a robe.Come on man, give me a call!—Your friend, Soon-to-be-Justice, Pundit Pete
PPPS will keep you updated as this story develops. Pete has already met with several leaders in the Senate to determine how he would rule on key issues before the Court.
Monday, January 3, 2022
Pundit Pete's 2022 Predictions
PPPS (Littleton)—With 2021 finally in the rearview mirror, our esteemed Editor-In-Chief, Pundit Pete, has issued his Predictions for 2022.
1. Illegals Will Sue Cartels in 2022
With a generous cash settlement courtesy of U.S. taxpayers apparently off the table, look for illegal immigrants and their Leftist lawyers to re-aim their mistreatment, separation and trauma lawsuits at the Mexican Cartels in 2022.
Pundit Pete is so confident in the success of this endeavor that he has directed our own corporate attorney Pleader Pete to get in on the action (and a generous cut of the resulting cash settlements). We will update our readers on the lawsuit status, just as soon as we hear back from Pleader Pete, who is making initial inquiries south of the border (he's only been missing for a few days now).
2. Democrats Will Win Big in the 2022 Midterms
H/T to Suzanne Hamner for article and photo. |
"The Dems are just like us. Dead. So, they've got my vote", blushed one deceased Chicago voter, who proudly displayed a Grover Cleveland pin commemorating the first election he ever voted in. "In fact, I'm gonna vote Democrat in several states this year." he added.