Thursday, September 29, 2022

Quiz Time

PPPS (Littleton)—Sometimes we like to give our readers a little fun quiz to test whether they are paying attention to the fake news. Here's one to start with. For best effect, play the Sesame Street song "One of these things is not like the others" in the background as you contemplate your answer.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Rethinking Biden's Speech

PPPS (Littleton)—In our previous blog post, our staff may have come off as enthusiastically endorsing President Biden's healing "Soul of America" speech in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia. 

Upon reflection, and after reading several polls on the public reaction to the speech, along with hundreds of readers' comments, most of which we had to delete, we asked our Religion Editor, Pious Pete, to engage in a bit of soul searching on the topic. 

Here was his conclusion in the form of a revised meme.

Please note that PPPS does not engage in religious interpretations of political events and that suggested interpretations from readers, including numerous references to dictators (specifically Musolini and Hitler), tyrants, demons, fascism, terrorism, thugs, hair sniffers, socialists, communists, Stasi, brown shirts, FBI and Satan, played no role in Pious Pete's re-interpretation of the speech. In fact, it is a long-standing PPPS policy to never includes such controversial terms in any of our posts. 

Furthermore, Pious Pete would like to reiterate that he has no personal knowledge of the content of "Benito" Biden's soul and would never presume to do so. 

However, Pious Pete has previously offered an opinion on the state of political discourse in America which might help in the interpretation of the Bidens speech. Pundit Pete: Pious Pete Opines on State of Political Discourse

Here is the meme from that 2017 blog post.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Summarizing Biden's Healing Address

PPPS (Philadelphia)—President Biden gave a rousing speech yesterday evening in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia. His speech was so comforting and healing of the hurting soul of our nation that we asked our graphic artist, Pixel Pete, to create a moving tribute to our Dear Leader with one simple meme.