This was not Pete's first time at the press briefing rodeo, having visited almost one year ago to ask Secretary Carney about the president's lavish vacations at taxpayer expense.
But this time, Pete asked about something a little more personal, the Affordable Care Act. Pete's wife, Citizen Caryn, had her health insurance policy canceled because of the law, and in order to avoid the security risks associated with the Obamacare exchanges, and find a plan in which she could still keep he doctor of many years, she now pays about double her previous premium. If it were not for the extra $3,600 per year out of the family budget due to Obamacare, Pete might make more frequent trips to the White House press room.
Here is the transcript:
White House Press Briefing: March 10, 2014
And here is a link to the video posted at Breitbart TV:
PETE: Jay, one more question from Colorado?MR. CARNEY: Colorado, what do you got?
PETE: Okay. I just wanted to follow up on that one about Obama -- well, the Affordable Care Act. And you mentioned that the Republicans are giving this pitch to, I guess, repeal the bill. And so my question --
MR. CARNEY: Surely your reporting reflects that.
PETE: What’s that?
MR. CARNEY: I’m not misstating --
PETE: No, no, no, it was the reasons you gave that I wanted to ask you about. And the last time I was here, I asked you a question and you didn’t really answer it, so I hope I’ll have better luck this time. (Laughter.)
MR. CARNEY: I think he’s waiting for his -- have you got the camera on him? Go ahead.
PETE: And I saw you using notes, so I’m going to use mine as well.
MR. CARNEY: Go for it.
PETE: When the law was first debated and passed -- and we’re talking about the Affordable Care Act -- the polls showed a majority of the people were not in favor of that, and yet it was pushed through. And so in terms of this pitch, the President continued to pitch to get it passed using statements like “you can keep your plan.” And, by the way, I know that’s not true because my wife lost her insurance because of the Affordable Care Act -- that you can --
MR. CARNEY: What’s your question, sir?
PETE: Well, I’m getting to it.
PETE: We don't get here very often from out in middle country, so when you get your chance, you got to ask.
MR. CARNEY: You’re welcome. Sure.
PETE: Okay. So anyway, the President’s pitch was that you can keep your plan, that your costs will go down, and I know that not to be true. So my question is: Will the President accede to the greater majority of Americans now who want it repealed?
MR. CARNEY: Well, actually that's not --
PETE: Why won’t he listen to the American people?
MR. CARNEY: You obviously haven’t seen the data because the majority of Americans do not in any poll want it repealed. The majority supports fixing it and improving it, not repealing it. I would ask you to check your data.
Secondly, the President made that pitch. Republicans in Congress fought it tooth and nail. It went to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court upheld it. It was the principal argument in a presidential election. The President won reelection.
And again, Republicans are free to make the repeal argument. My point was simply that when you go to individuals and you ask them, do you want quality, affordable health insurance, or do you want the insurance company to tell you that you’re not going to get coverage for that condition you have because the fine print says you can't. In fact, your sister, we’re going to charge her double even though you have identical medical histories because she’s a woman --
PETE: Well, my wife is getting charged double now because she lost her insurance.
MR. CARNEY: Well, again, I don't know the circumstances with your wife. And what I can tell you is that the Affordable Care Act provides quality, affordable health insurance to millions of people. They are -- million are --
PETE: But that's not true. More people have lost their insurance because of the act right now than have been -- didn't have insurance and have signed up. That is a fact.
MR. CARNEY: Okay, well, you’re entitled to your facts, sir. What I can tell you is that you and others who want to campaign on repeal are welcome to.
What I’m saying is that repeal for millions of Americans is not a good option and for all the reasons that I enumerated.
Thank you all very much.
(click on link, not the pic)
Colorado Reporter Confronts Carney, Demands Repeal of ObamaCare
Update: We found this photo circulating on Twitter, source unknown.