Thursday, November 7, 2013

Obamacare Disaster: Could President Be Losing His Base?

PPPS (Littleton)—With the recent minor glitches in the launch and implementation of President Obama's signature health care reform legislation and talk in some circles that the President may have misled the American people, some are wondering whether his base support may be eroding.

And then we received this photo, taken on a college campus where the President was encouraging young adults to sign up for Obamacare.

What do you think?


  1. He'll surely survive this.. Just wait-n-see!!..

  2. Nelson -

    Thanks for your comment at Pundit Pete. It is great to know that our stupid satire reaches far into Africa. I have been to Kenya and Uganda as a volunteer with Church World Service, and always wanted to visit Tanzania.

    On a visit in 2007 to look at water projects, I could almost see your town, Moshi, while bouncing along the Mombasa highway......except for a small mountain blocking the view.

    Good luck with your studies and comment any time you like. God bless.


Feel free to comment, but keep it clean. Pious Pete will be monitoring.