Monday, June 10, 2019

Celebrating LBGTQ Month

PPPS (Washington, DC)—As the nation celebrates LBGTQ month this June, our staff wanted to make a suggestion and offer a commentary on the status of LBGTQ "rights" in America.

First a suggestion, to make the movement more inclusive:

And then a comment regarding the necessity of separately delineated "rights" for the LBGTQ community:

And, as a follow up to the preceding comment, our PPPS sports commentator, Player Pete, weighed in with this:

And finally, Citizen Pete, a loyal fan, occasional contributor, and friend of Jack the Cake Maker, sent in this suggestion for an official LBGTQ Month Moto:

Disclaimer: The Pundit Pete Press Service (PPPS) is not responsible for any comments, opinions or suggestions contributed by ANY staff member, contributor, associate, or friend of PPPS, nor is PPPS responsible for any offense, real or imagined, taken by ANY reader of the foregoing post, and if pressed, criticized, slandered, or sued, will disavow any knowledge of said post.


Feel free to comment, but keep it clean. Pious Pete will be monitoring.