Tuesday, August 16, 2011

White House Releases New Video for Jobs Campaign

.............BREAKING NEWS UPDATE...........

PPPS (Washington) In a breaking news update, PPPS has learned that sometime tomorrow the White House will release a new informational video on the President's Midwest Bus Tour to promote the President's New Reinvigorated Focus-Like-A-Laser On Jobs Campaign.  

The new jobs campaign adopts Nobel Prize economist Paul Krugman's fake alien threat economic recovery plan as a template. Krugman, a frequent White House visitor and presidential confidant, and one of the smartest and most respected economists in the world today, recently discussed his plan on the CNN show GPS with host Fareed Zakaria.

Monday, August 15, 2011

White House Releases New Theme Song for President's Bus Tour

PPPS (Washington) In an effort to assist in President Obama's Midwest Bus Tour to educate and assign blame for our nation's economic woes, the White House today released an uplifting song and music video to serve as a theme for the tour.

The song, titled The Government Can , builds a strong case for increased government intervention in the economy and our personal lives. It is hoped that the song's positive message will go a long way in turning the tide of pessimism, caused by the Tea Party, which has been gripping the country of late.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tea Party at Fault in Near-Default and Credit Rating Downgrade

PPPS (Washington) Recent data released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis supports the claim by many government leaders, such as Senator John Kerry, and independent pundits, such as David Axlerod, who conclude that the Tea Party is responsible for the recent near default by the U.S. government, and for the resulting credit downgrade by Standard & Poors. Our own PPPS Chief Economic Analyst Prognosticator Pete has evaluated the data, and presents his findings, as illustrated by the following graphs.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pundit Pete Opines on Politicians' Pathetic Performance

PPPS (Littleton) Pathetic. Irresponsible. Reckless. Criminal.

The citizens of this great land pay the price for the politicians' pathetic performance. And it was all preventable. All they had to do was pass Cut, Cap and Balance in the Senate. Or a few months earlier, to pass the Ryan plan.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Bit of Tea Party History - Not Much Has Changed

PPPS (Denver) One of our loyal readers, Citizen Pete, sent us a photograph and a short note, putting the current debt ceiling debate in historical context.

Dear Editor,

 Here is a photo of my first Tea Party sign, which I carried at the April 15, 2009 Tea Party event on the west side of the Colorado State Capitol in Denver.

 In case you can't read it, it says:  


Not a lot has changed since then -- spending is still out-of-control and our leaders are still calling us names. I guess we've graduated from being "right wing extremists" to "terrorists".

Those pathetic politicians can call us what they like, but We Ain't Goin' Away!

Thanks to our friends Bradley Ray and Pamela Gudgeon, and Bruce Bellott  for writing that inspiring song,

God bless you,
Citizen Pete
Littleton, Colorado

Notes to our Readers:  
For nostalgia sake, you can download the April 7, 2009 Homeland Security alert here.
Please support the Gudgeon's band Eagle River Highway and Bruce Bellott. And book them for your Tea Party Event!

TrackBack - Also note that our own correspondent Progressive Pete was the first to connect this subversive and dangerous song and singer Bruce Bellott to the extremist right wing Tea Party Movement in his undercover piece titled The Tea Party Exposed Part 1 -- A Dangerous and Threatening Agenda.